It's usually a 7x15 elevated box near a traders and some open farmland. I am kind of like Tohskrad (not very creative) and Laz Man (efficiency). Thank you for starting this thread, Sjustus548. I enjoy seeing the mish-mash though as everyones personality of how they "roleplay" into the post-apocalypse theme of the game. Foot lockers against the walls, and munition boxes high up on side walls, and usually an extra forge. Our 4th Player likes being "out" a lot, so their space winds up having 3-4 secured chest attached to the ceiling, and storage for extra weapons. then you walk into the area that one of the women that plays in My World, and she likes marble floors and turning her space into a luxury apartment with lots of potted plants, then My space leans toward using wallpaper and wainscotting, usually if the space has a bed already in it, then My bedroll hover-lays on top of the bed (really wish those bedrolls could lay flat on the ugly beds though). One Man loves the 'Western look" so he decorates with lots of semi-smooth wood panels and lots of brown leather sofa pieces. But then, for My own tastes and also the People I normally play together with also enjoy 'staking out' a section of the POI as if its their own personal space, and it winds up bringing a smile as you march through the base. I tend to take a section of whatever building I use for My base as the Utility Area, crafting and storage all well-spelled out and functional. My base has to be functional so that might explain why I don't find POIs as my base interesting. I am not into having different living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens and stuff. Even if I end up using a pre-built POI as my base I tend to tear down lots of walls and roofs and rebuild it to my liking so in the end it does not look like a former POI anymore. In 9 out of 10 of my savegames I have started to build my own base from scratch on day 1 so that's what I usually do. Still close enough to My base in case something truly unexpected happens and I have to retreat and regroup. Small enough that I can cover all sides easily and no decor or storage, just a place to fight zombies from on Horde Night. Battle Block is usually 8 x 8 blocks wide and across, 6 blocks tall, catwalk around the upper section. used the big prison once, used the classic Police HQ two times, Fire Station three times, and the rest were from taking a good looking residential home and walling it in and setting up defenses, then working on a Battle Block nearby, usually across the street. I've used 4 different variations of a Pass N Gas station as My bases before, 3 times used a Hotel. I seem to always pick something that at least has some kind of a fence, to get that protection for the first Horde Night, possibly the second as well, but By Day 20 I make it a priority to decide what building I am going to use as a long term base/home and start building it up. I do often build a "battle block" in an open area near to My base, and wreak havoc on the zombies from there during Horde Night. Mostly I look for something with "good bones" or an interesting location then work on setting it up to suit My tastes.

In all that game play I have only built a base from "scratch" using an empty space of land, a total of 4 times. I'd say I have played in roughly 40 Random Generated Worlds, and when I first started playing 7D2D I built bases in the Navezgane maps, possibly 6-7 Different "world generations"

Seeing some of the amazing POIs the game has now has inspired me to work harder on making my place look better than a wooden cube that it used to be lol. I'm going to build an ocean front house and it's going to be magnificent, or at least I hope it will lol. So I'm going to change that and I spent the past few hours picking out a great location.

Now I'm on day 28, 2hr days, and realized that I hadn't started on my house yet. Little did I know that was enough for me to keep putting off building my base.

While we were clearing out our first town for supplies I just threw some storage boxes on top of a house beside the trader so as not to get too settled in. This world I started with the goal to go back to building my own base again. I used to be the kind of player that would build my own base but in the past few alpha builds I've started just taking over an already built POI. Which is your preferred method of base construction? Are you someone who goes out and finds a great area and builds your own base or do you find a nice POI and transform it to your needs? I'm not talking about horde night setups, just your base where you live and store all your stuff.